
Science and Technology News
Science and Technology News
@science-technology-news | 1 Aug 18 - 00:48

How accurate are the news we read on the internet?
According to a survey on Twetter, the wrong news is spreading more and faster than the real news.
It's a common thing to spread false news over boots, but the interesting thing here is that it's made entirely by people, not by malicious boots.

Sinan Aral of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), who supervised the study, said, "Fake news is spreading more, faster and deeper in every news category." says.
Aral, Soroush Vosoughi and Deb Roy have come to the conclusion that accounts that tweet fake news accounts have less followers and are more likely to retweet 70 percent of the wrong news, even though they are less active.

It is a known fact that those who do not take security measures will experience such incidents more frequently, especially when artificial intelligence is being used more frequently in the internet environment.
Facebook, Google, Youtube and other sites do not get what it is.

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