
Political News
Political News
@political-news | 30 Jul 18 - 23:23

President Erdogan will attend NATO summit
President Erdogan is expected to hold talks with the leaders of the United States, Donald Trump, French President Emmanual Macron, UK Prime Minister Theresa May and German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Erdogan will leave for Brussels as part of the summit, both in his speech to the summit and hold bilateral talks within the scope of Turkey's shareholder rights protection is expected to deliver the message once more. Again, among the topics to be discussed at the top, fight against terrorism will take precedence. In this context, Turkey's counterterrorism fight against cross-border terrorism for the restructuring underlined the commitment to national security posed.
Turkey's international agreements and the rights based on the law to be highlighted. In the fight against terrorism, NATO countries, especially the US, will be reminded of "alliance". It is also expected that the unfair criticism of the Zirvede S-400s by NATO members will be answered face-to-face and that the US Senate's unlawful decision on the F-35 Project will not be accepted.


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