
Political News
Political News
@political-news | 30 Jul 18 - 23:21

Prime Minister Binali Yildirim: I can not design one outside Turkey's politics!
Prime Minister of the Republic of Turkey Binali Yildirim, Turkey Exporters Assembly 25th General Assembly in 2017 and made speech at the Export Champions Award Ceremony. In his speech "is now the choice over the country, livelihood period. Jobs returned to normal. After that, we will concentrate much more our dedication to our work. Going good jobs in Ankara. I think the next weekend, will be described in the new government. Will carry Turkey to the 2023 new Government of the Republic will be explained. after the selection decision described assessment bodies are doing hurriedly agenda, they take decisions on Turkey. These elections were movements such or for such intervention but folks them gave a damn, pulled the rope, they work well done. Turkey's politics, one can design the outside. Turkey's political and national will to decide. the owner of the nation is national will, "he said.

Binali indicating whether it Turkey's potential lightning, "I do not want to belittle the point we have arrived, but Turkey's natural resources, human resources, facilities on hand, given the geopolitical situation, this is not where we should be," he noted that higher expectations. Binali Yıldırım said, "We are aware of this and it is the private sector to be developed by the development.


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