Interesting Facts
@interesting-facts | 27 Mar 19 - 03:36
@interesting-facts | 27 Mar 19 - 03:36
1- Beethoven had hideous handwriting.
2- You only have 7 seconds to make a powerful first impression when meeting someone new.
3- Hedgehogs are known as the gardener’s friend, because they will eat slugs, beetles, caterpillars, etc., and do no harm.
4- Approximately 80% of a child’s intelligence is acquired from the mother.
5- Ants in hoards kill 30 people a year.
6- The average person laughs 15 times a day.
7- The pupil of your eye expands as much as 45% when you look at someone you love.
8- Tears have different types of chemical compositions depending on the emotions you feel.
9- Cats cannot survive on dog food as they require five times as much protein as dogs.
10- Your brain tends to make imaginary monsters when you stare in a mirror too long.
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